In a departure from our normal luncheon only meetings we have been offered the opportunity by GBG Member Dr John Richardson to listen to a presentation by his good friend and battlefield guide Rajesh Rampal. Rajesh is visiting England in November and would welcome the opportunity to talk to Guild members. He is an expert in matters relating to Indian VC winners, the Mutiny or War of Independence and .....'Thuggee'
The subject matter will be the Indian Mutiny 1857

1030hrs Coffee available
1050hrs Registration
1100-1200hrs 'Siege and Assault of Dehli' a talk with PowerPoint
1200hrs Break
1210-1320hrs 'The Devil's Wind' Battlefield Tour DVD
1330hrs Luncheon
The venue as usual will be at the Union Jack Club in the Burns Room
Members are cordially invited at a cost of £20.00 payable on the day. This will INCLUDE the cost of Luncheon. Please apply directly to me at bobdarby@btinternet.com
We are currently limited to 30 seats so it is a matter of first come-first served.
Bob Darby
London Luncheon Club Coordinator
Badge 29
Declared Attendees at 8th November 2010
1. Bob Darby
2. Dr John Richardson
3. Laurie Evanson-Goddard
4. Charmian Griffiths
5. Brett Hayward
6. Bruce Cherry
7. Steve Elsey
8. Stuart Fraser
9. John Greene
10.Frank Hooley
11.Robert Hudd
12.Mike O'Connor
13.Nora De Bievre
14.James Dinsdale
15.Willie Mohan
16.Hugh Bicheno
17.Robert Furse (MPHS)
18.Frank Baldwin
19.Nicky Bird
20.Terry Webb
21.Sheela Bonarajee
22.Dudley Giles
23.Ian Dexter
24.Peter Warren
25.David Craig
26.Rajesh Rampel