The third London Luncheon Club Xmas Luncheon will take place at the Union Jack Club, Sandell Street, Waterloo at 1215hrs for lunch at 1300hrs Friday 17th December 2010. As of today 11th December 2010 we have a full house of 60. However, I will hold reserve names until 24hrs before.
Duck and Orange Pate with Melba Toast
Traditional Roast Norfolk Turkey
Sage and Onion Stuffing
Cumberland Cocktail Sausages wrapped in Bacon
Goose Fat Roast Potatoes
Carrots,Brussels Sprouts and Honey Roasted Parsnips
Cranberry Sauce
Bread Sauce
Christmas Pudding served with Brandy Sauce
Coffee and Mince Pies
House Wines
The cost per head will be £36.00 with cheques payable to me Bob Darby. We have 60 places available. Members are encouraged to bring guests. Members may care to stay overnight at the Union Jack Club. If you let me know your accommodation requirements I will book a room for you. I have been allocated 10 single rooms at £49.50 per night with breakfast and twin rooms at £91.00. Residency is normally only available to ex-service or serving personnel. GBG members have been reserved accommodation at special rates. Note you will need to book before the 1st December. If you wish to attend the Luncheon and require accommodation email
The following members and guests have either confirmed their attendance or have booked pending confirmation.
1. Bob Darby
2. Mark Smith
3. Paul Evans
4. Mark Banning
5. Tom Johnston
6. Jo Hook
7. Peter Hewlett-Smith
8. Tony Coutts-Britton
9. Dodie Buchanan
10.Dr Peter Morris - Guest Bob Darby
11.Frank Baldwin
12.Piers Storie-Pugh
13.Laurie Evanson-Goddard
14.Charmian Griffiths
15.Brett Hayward
16.Wendy Davies - Guest Bob Hilton
17.Bob Hilton
18.Paula Kitching
19.James Thomson - Guest Paula Kitching
20.Bruce Cherry
21.Ralph Bennet - Guest Bruce Cherry
22.Robert Hudd
23.Julia Page - Hon Member
24.Steve Kupis - Guest Frank Hooley
25.Dermot Gallagher
26.Derek Frisby
27.Vern Littley
28.Bruce Littley
29.Mike Buckmaster-Brown
30.Brian Humphreys - Guest Vern Littley
31.Tony Angel - Guest Vern Littley
32.Terry Webb
33.Tony Wade
34.Joe Hamon
35.Neil Bright
36.Steve Hunnisett
37.Mike Tipper
38.Frank Wright - Guest-Mike Tipper
39.Frank Hooley
40.Jeff Cormack
41.Nicky Bird
42.Mike O'Connor
43.Jane Barlow - Guest Bob Darby
44.Phil Harris - Guest Bob Darby
45.Nora De Bievre
46.Shirley Harper-O'Neill- Guest Bob Darby
47.Walter Hart-Guest Bob Darby
48.Tony Knee - Guest Mike Tipper
49.Keith Kiddie
50.Tim Stoneman (confirmation pending)
51.Stuart Seddon
52.Ray Almond - Guest Terry Webb
53.Richard Crompton - Guest Steve Hunnisett
54.Ian Alexander
55. Doug Flowers
Attendees as at 15th December 2010
Bob Darby
London Luncheon Coordinator