The dates for Luncheon in 2011 are as follows:
Friday 4 March 2011
Friday 10 June 2011
Friday 30 September 2011
Friday 16 December 2011 - Xmas Luncheon
Please note that dates have moved to a Friday
In addition there will be a number of walks and presentations with guest guides and speakers. Details will be published on the Guild Update and on this Blog
To all Members have a Happy New Year!
Friday, 31 December 2010
Saturday, 18 December 2010
London Luncheon Club Xmas Lunch - 17 Dec 2010
49 Members attended the Third Annual Xmas Lunch of the London Luncheon Club. Many braved the elements to attend at the Union Jack Club Waterloo. The event goes from strength to strength judging by the comments I have received from those who attended. I would ask Members in future to confirm any non-attendance to me after receiving an Attendance List on which their name may appear. I appreciate that I canvass attendance well in advance of the date of the event but assume you will attend if you have told me it is your intention to do so!! Hope that does not sound too complicated!! I personally foot the bill for no shows!
Members Tom Johnstone, Tim Stoneman and guest Peter Morris
The crew from Back Roads Touring who had more Members attending than any other tour operator. GBG Members Tony Wade and Mark Banning in centre with guests Phil Harris, Stuart Seddon and Jane Barlow
Member Piers Storie-Pugh and 'long time no see' friend Ralph Bennett
The Mackintosh Room at the Union Jack Club
The Mackintosh Room at the Union Jack Club
Lt Col Tony Davies CEO of the Union Jack Club with Guild Member Tom Johnstone in the centre and House Manager John Lenaghan
Long time Member Keith Kiddie who has been away in Canada and another 'long time no see' friend Joe Hamon
Guest James Thomson Head of Poppy Travel for Schools and GBG Member Paula Kitching
Our Guest of Honour Walter Hart age 93. Evacuated from France along with the rest of the BEF in 1940. Returned to France 1944 via Normandy.Without him and his kind some of us would have no story to tell!
Last but not least! The three stooges from left to right Joe Hamon,Derek Frisby and the London Luncheon Club's indefatigable Dermot Gallagher. All have their name badges on but only one Guild tie between them!! Or are they hidden behind their pullovers!!? Secretary please note.
Our Guest of Honour Walter Hart age 93. Evacuated from France along with the rest of the BEF in 1940. Returned to France 1944 via Normandy.Without him and his kind some of us would have no story to tell!
Last but not least! The three stooges from left to right Joe Hamon,Derek Frisby and the London Luncheon Club's indefatigable Dermot Gallagher. All have their name badges on but only one Guild tie between them!! Or are they hidden behind their pullovers!!? Secretary please note.
Monday, 1 November 2010
London Luncheon Club Xmas Luncheon 17 Dec 2010
The third London Luncheon Club Xmas Luncheon will take place at the Union Jack Club, Sandell Street, Waterloo at 1215hrs for lunch at 1300hrs Friday 17th December 2010. As of today 11th December 2010 we have a full house of 60. However, I will hold reserve names until 24hrs before.
Duck and Orange Pate with Melba Toast
Traditional Roast Norfolk Turkey
Sage and Onion Stuffing
Cumberland Cocktail Sausages wrapped in Bacon
Goose Fat Roast Potatoes
Carrots,Brussels Sprouts and Honey Roasted Parsnips
Cranberry Sauce
Bread Sauce
Christmas Pudding served with Brandy Sauce
Coffee and Mince Pies
House Wines
The cost per head will be £36.00 with cheques payable to me Bob Darby. We have 60 places available. Members are encouraged to bring guests. Members may care to stay overnight at the Union Jack Club. If you let me know your accommodation requirements I will book a room for you. I have been allocated 10 single rooms at £49.50 per night with breakfast and twin rooms at £91.00. Residency is normally only available to ex-service or serving personnel. GBG members have been reserved accommodation at special rates. Note you will need to book before the 1st December. If you wish to attend the Luncheon and require accommodation email
The following members and guests have either confirmed their attendance or have booked pending confirmation.
1. Bob Darby
2. Mark Smith
3. Paul Evans
4. Mark Banning
5. Tom Johnston
6. Jo Hook
7. Peter Hewlett-Smith
8. Tony Coutts-Britton
9. Dodie Buchanan
10.Dr Peter Morris - Guest Bob Darby
11.Frank Baldwin
12.Piers Storie-Pugh
13.Laurie Evanson-Goddard
14.Charmian Griffiths
15.Brett Hayward
16.Wendy Davies - Guest Bob Hilton
17.Bob Hilton
18.Paula Kitching
19.James Thomson - Guest Paula Kitching
20.Bruce Cherry
21.Ralph Bennet - Guest Bruce Cherry
22.Robert Hudd
23.Julia Page - Hon Member
24.Steve Kupis - Guest Frank Hooley
25.Dermot Gallagher
26.Derek Frisby
27.Vern Littley
28.Bruce Littley
29.Mike Buckmaster-Brown
30.Brian Humphreys - Guest Vern Littley
31.Tony Angel - Guest Vern Littley
32.Terry Webb
33.Tony Wade
34.Joe Hamon
35.Neil Bright
36.Steve Hunnisett
37.Mike Tipper
38.Frank Wright - Guest-Mike Tipper
39.Frank Hooley
40.Jeff Cormack
41.Nicky Bird
42.Mike O'Connor
43.Jane Barlow - Guest Bob Darby
44.Phil Harris - Guest Bob Darby
45.Nora De Bievre
46.Shirley Harper-O'Neill- Guest Bob Darby
47.Walter Hart-Guest Bob Darby
48.Tony Knee - Guest Mike Tipper
49.Keith Kiddie
50.Tim Stoneman (confirmation pending)
51.Stuart Seddon
52.Ray Almond - Guest Terry Webb
53.Richard Crompton - Guest Steve Hunnisett
54.Ian Alexander
55. Doug Flowers
Attendees as at 15th December 2010
Bob Darby
London Luncheon Coordinator
Friday, 10 September 2010
London Luncheon Club - Special Event Luncheon - Wednesday 10th November 2010
In a departure from our normal luncheon only meetings we have been offered the opportunity by GBG Member Dr John Richardson to listen to a presentation by his good friend and battlefield guide Rajesh Rampal. Rajesh is visiting England in November and would welcome the opportunity to talk to Guild members. He is an expert in matters relating to Indian VC winners, the Mutiny or War of Independence and .....'Thuggee'
The subject matter will be the Indian Mutiny 1857
1030hrs Coffee available
1050hrs Registration
1100-1200hrs 'Siege and Assault of Dehli' a talk with PowerPoint
1200hrs Break
1210-1320hrs 'The Devil's Wind' Battlefield Tour DVD
1330hrs Luncheon
The venue as usual will be at the Union Jack Club in the Burns Room
Members are cordially invited at a cost of £20.00 payable on the day. This will INCLUDE the cost of Luncheon. Please apply directly to me at
We are currently limited to 30 seats so it is a matter of first come-first served.
Bob Darby
London Luncheon Club Coordinator
Badge 29
Declared Attendees at 8th November 2010
1. Bob Darby
2. Dr John Richardson
3. Laurie Evanson-Goddard
4. Charmian Griffiths
5. Brett Hayward
6. Bruce Cherry
7. Steve Elsey
8. Stuart Fraser
9. John Greene
10.Frank Hooley
11.Robert Hudd
12.Mike O'Connor
13.Nora De Bievre
14.James Dinsdale
15.Willie Mohan
16.Hugh Bicheno
17.Robert Furse (MPHS)
18.Frank Baldwin
19.Nicky Bird
20.Terry Webb
21.Sheela Bonarajee
22.Dudley Giles
23.Ian Dexter
24.Peter Warren
25.David Craig
26.Rajesh Rampel
Friday, 27 August 2010
London Luncheon Club - Thursday 28th October 2010
Members are reminded that the next London Luncheon will meet at the Union Jack Club. Cost £15.00 per person. Timings 1215hrs for Lunch at 1300hrs.
Please pay on the day but let me know you wish to attend as soon as possible.
Bob Darby
Badge No 29
London Luncheon Club Coordinator
Attendees as at 18th October 2010
1. Bob Darby
2. Frank Hooley
3. Charmian Griffiths
4. Brett Hayward
5. Robert Hudd
6. Willie Mohan
7. John Lee (new member)
8. Terry Webb
9. Keith Appleyard
10 James Dinsdale
Please pay on the day but let me know you wish to attend as soon as possible.
Bob Darby
Badge No 29
London Luncheon Club Coordinator
Attendees as at 18th October 2010
1. Bob Darby
2. Frank Hooley
3. Charmian Griffiths
4. Brett Hayward
5. Robert Hudd
6. Willie Mohan
7. John Lee (new member)
8. Terry Webb
9. Keith Appleyard
10 James Dinsdale
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
GBG London Luncheon Club 26th August 2010
The next London Luncheon Club will be at the UJC on Thursday 26th August 2010 at 1215hrs for 1300hrs Lunch. The cost as usual will be £15.00 for 3 courses. Please confirm attendance by sending a cheque payable to R Darby 4 Rosemount Road, Ealing, London W13 0HJ and email attendance to
Declared Attendees and Provisonals at 1630hrs 24th August 2010
1, Bob Darby
2. Derek Frisby
3. Dermot Gallagher
4. Vern Littley
5. Paul Evans (Guest - Littley)
6. Mark Smith (Guest - Littley)
7. Frank Baldwin
8. Mike Sheil
9. Bruce Cherry
10.Paul Warren (Guest- Cherry)
11.Nora De Bievre
12.Terry Webb
13.Tony Coutts-Britton
14.Steve Elsey
15.Ray Almond(Guest- Webb)
16.Keith Appleyard
17.Laurie Evanson-Goddard
18.Rick Allard (Guest - Darby)
19.Robert Hudd
20.Charmian Griffiths
21.Brett Hayward
22.Ian McLeod
23.Simon Brookes(Guest - McLeod)
Provisional Bookings
23.Tim Pritchard-Barrett (TBC)
Declared Attendees and Provisonals at 1630hrs 24th August 2010
1, Bob Darby
2. Derek Frisby
3. Dermot Gallagher
4. Vern Littley
5. Paul Evans (Guest - Littley)
6. Mark Smith (Guest - Littley)
7. Frank Baldwin
8. Mike Sheil
9. Bruce Cherry
10.Paul Warren (Guest- Cherry)
11.Nora De Bievre
12.Terry Webb
13.Tony Coutts-Britton
14.Steve Elsey
15.Ray Almond(Guest- Webb)
16.Keith Appleyard
17.Laurie Evanson-Goddard
18.Rick Allard (Guest - Darby)
19.Robert Hudd
20.Charmian Griffiths
21.Brett Hayward
22.Ian McLeod
23.Simon Brookes(Guest - McLeod)
Provisional Bookings
23.Tim Pritchard-Barrett (TBC)
Friday, 25 June 2010
GBG London Luncheon Club 24th June 2010
Mark Banning, Mike O'Connor and Steve Elsey at the bar
The London Luncheon Club met at the Union Jack Club on Thursday 24th June 2010. 25 members and guests attended. The beautiful and sunny weather kept numbers down.
Kathleen Neagle GBG Member from Ireland attended for the first time using a visit to friends as an opportunity to attend. Also attending was Myer Malin, a Normandy Veteran and President of the The D Day Club.
The next Luncheon will be Thursday 26th August 2010. More details to follow.
Bob Darby
Kathleen Neagle GBG Member from Ireland attended for the first time using a visit to friends as an opportunity to attend. Also attending was Myer Malin, a Normandy Veteran and President of the The D Day Club.
The next Luncheon will be Thursday 26th August 2010. More details to follow.
Bob Darby
Badge 29
London Luncheon Club Coordinator
London Luncheon Club Coordinator
Friday, 4 June 2010
Declared Attendees for London Luncheon 24th June 2010
Steve Hunnisett
Neil Bright
Sam Dorrington(Guest)
Paula Kitching
Steve Elsey
Bob Hilton
Robert Hudd
Graeme Cooper
Willie Mohan
Mike O'Connor
Keith Appleyard (Guest)
Laurie Evanson-Goddard
Terry Webb
James Dinsdale
Kathleen Neagle
James Thomson (Guest)
Nora De Bievre
Charmian Griffiths
Tim Stoneman
Brett Hayward
Richard Hayward (Guest)
Philip Brazier (Guest)
Murray Brazier (Guest)
Dodie Buchanan
Mike Brown
Myer Malin (Guest)
Bill Crier (Guest)
Mark Banning
Bob Darby
The list is now closed. 29 members and guests attending
(Updated 21st June 2010)
Neil Bright
Sam Dorrington(Guest)
Paula Kitching
Steve Elsey
Bob Hilton
Robert Hudd
Graeme Cooper
Willie Mohan
Mike O'Connor
Keith Appleyard (Guest)
Laurie Evanson-Goddard
Terry Webb
James Dinsdale
Kathleen Neagle
James Thomson (Guest)
Nora De Bievre
Charmian Griffiths
Tim Stoneman
Brett Hayward
Richard Hayward (Guest)
Philip Brazier (Guest)
Murray Brazier (Guest)
Dodie Buchanan
Mike Brown
Myer Malin (Guest)
Bill Crier (Guest)
Mark Banning
Bob Darby
The list is now closed. 29 members and guests attending
(Updated 21st June 2010)
Thursday, 3 June 2010
London Luncheon Club dates for your diary
24 June
Location: UJC
Organiser: Bob Darby
26 August
Location: UJC
Organiser Bob Darby
28 October
Location: UJC
Organiser Bob Darby
17 December
Location: UJC
Organiser Bob Darby
Location: UJC
Organiser: Bob Darby
26 August
Location: UJC
Organiser Bob Darby
28 October
Location: UJC
Organiser Bob Darby
17 December
Location: UJC
Organiser Bob Darby
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