Saturday, 18 December 2010

London Luncheon Club Xmas Lunch - 17 Dec 2010

49 Members attended the Third Annual Xmas Lunch of the London Luncheon Club. Many braved the elements to attend at the Union Jack Club Waterloo. The event goes from strength to strength judging by the comments I have received from those who attended. I would ask Members in future to confirm any non-attendance to me after receiving an Attendance List on which their name may appear. I appreciate that I canvass attendance well in advance of the date of the event but assume you will attend if you have told me it is your intention to do so!! Hope that does not sound too complicated!! I personally foot the bill for no shows!

Members Tom Johnstone, Tim Stoneman and guest Peter Morris

The two smallest Members of the Guild Jo Hook and Terry Webb. They are actually standing up to the table!!

The crew from Back Roads Touring who had more Members attending than any other tour operator. GBG Members Tony Wade and Mark Banning in centre with guests Phil Harris, Stuart Seddon and Jane Barlow
Member Piers Storie-Pugh and 'long time no see' friend Ralph Bennett

The Mackintosh Room at the Union Jack Club

Lt Col Tony Davies CEO of the Union Jack Club with Guild Member Tom Johnstone in the centre and House Manager John Lenaghan

Long time Member Keith Kiddie who has been away in Canada and another 'long time no see' friend Joe Hamon

Guest James Thomson Head of Poppy Travel for Schools and GBG Member Paula Kitching

Our Guest of Honour Walter Hart age 93. Evacuated from France along with the rest of the BEF in 1940. Returned to France 1944 via Normandy.Without him and his kind some of us would have no story to tell!

Last but not least! The three stooges from left to right Joe Hamon,Derek Frisby and the London Luncheon Club's indefatigable Dermot Gallagher. All have their name badges on but only one Guild tie between them!! Or are they hidden behind their pullovers!!? Secretary please note.